Sponsor Donation Recommendations
Number of Accounts
Minimum Balance
Initial Contribution Minimum
Grant Minimum Amount
Grant Timing
Within 1 Week
Investment Options
6 - 10
Administrative Fee
0.6 - 0.9%
Founded in 2004, Greater Horizons is a leading provider of charitable solutions, working alongside donors and their advisors to develop philanthropic legacies. Greater Horizons takes a custom, behind-the-scenes approach with each of their grantmaking clients.
Sponsor Donation Recommendations
International Granting
Accepts Illiquid Contributions
Ability of 3rd Party Advisors
Political or Religious Affiliation
Sell Their Own Financial Products
Tax Requirements
Minimum Grant Frequency Requirement
Provides Anonymity if Requested
Transferability to Another Sponsor
No History of Security Breaches
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Greater Horizons can make grants to foreign charities the following ways: 1.) Give to U.S.-based charities doing international work. 2.)Give through qualified charitable intermediaries that facilitate direct grants to international charities and conduct the required due diligence.
Greater Horizons accepts accets of cash, publicly traded securities, and complex assets. Greater Horizons specializes in accepting complex assets, including : C-Corp or S-Corp Stock, LLC Interests, Limited Partnership Interests, Real Estate, Retirement Plans, Oil & Gas Interests, Private Equity, and Cryptocurrency.
You may name unlimited Fund Advisors and Professional Avisors at any time to make recommendations for all Fund-related matters, including grants, investments, and online account access.
Greater Horizons is independent of any religious or political organizations.
There is no tax code requirement for DAF donors to meet a minimum payout requirement.
No Requirement
Greater Horizons will not make grants to organizations that have not met 501(c)(3) IRS requirements.
You may choose to make anonymous grants from your DAF account.
Greater Horizons’ investment pools allow you to match your investment strategy with your risk tolerance and long-term objectives for your fund. The investment pools include: Domestic Equity, International Equity, Intermediate-Term Fixed Income, Short-Term Fixed Income, and Money Market. In addition to the pools listed above, you can choose from three ESG pools that are made up of passive equity investments.
Assets can be transfered to another DAF sponsor that is also a 501(c)(3) charitiy.
First $500,000, greater of 0.60% or $250; 0.30% on the next $500,000; 0.20% on the next $1.5 million; 0.15% on the next $2,499,999; other flat fees for accounts above $5,000,000
Dedicated team for support. •816-842-8139 •info@greaterhorizons.org
Online Platform
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