Sponsor Donation Recommendations
Number of Accounts
Minimum Balance
Initial Contribution Minimum
Grant Minimum Amount
Grant Timing
Within 1 Week
Investment Options
1 - 5
Administrative Fee
0.6 - 0.9%
Founded in 2013, The Bradley Impact Fund is the first donor advised fund to be aligned with a private foundation. The Bradley Impact Fund strives to be the donor advised fund of choice for philanthropic investors across the country who seek to restore, strengthen, and protect America’s conservative founding principles & institutions.
Sponsor Donation Recommendations
International Granting
Accepts Illiquid Contributions
Ability of 3rd Party Advisors
Political or Religious Affiliation
Sell Their Own Financial Products
Tax Requirements
Minimum Grant Frequency Requirement
Provides Anonymity if Requested
Transferability to Another Sponsor
No History of Security Breaches
Bradley Foundation
International grants may be permitted, but additional due-diligence is required.
In addition to accepting cash, credit card transactions, stock transfers, and other complex assets, the Bradley Impact Fund also accepts an array of cryptocurrencies.
Accounts may have additional third parties added such as a financial advisor, friend, or family advisor.
The Bradley Impact Fund is aligned with and inspired by The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, one of the nation’s leading conservative private foundations. The Bradley Impact Fund supports individuals and nonprofit organizations which advance conservative ideas, public policy advocacy and implementation locally, regionally and nationwide.
A minimun of 5% of the account’s aggregate assets must be distributed annually.
No requirement
The Bradley Impact Fund will not make grants to individuals or non-section 501(c3) organizations. Other restrictions may apply.
If the donor prefers anonymity, grants can be sent without identification of the fund and/or donor.
Bradley impact Fund offers four investment options: Short Duration Model, Moderate Income Model, Growth & Income Model, and Aggressive Growth Model
Assets can be transfered to another DAF sponsor that is also a 501(c)(3) charitiy.
0.80% on the first $1,000,000; 0.50% on the next $1,500,000 ; 0.25% on the next $2,500,000; 0.20% on the next $5,000,000; contact staff for amounts over $10,000,000
Hands-on client service support is available. •414-291-2500 •gconger@bradleyimpactfund.org
Online platform
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